Chemical Peels

Even with the best skin care, aging and the environment can take their toll on your skin. Facial Aesthetics medically safe chemical peel programs can help reverse this damage. We do this by exfoliating the damaged cells improving your skin's appearance.

The purpose of the medical peel treatment is to stimulate the epidermis and dermis of your skin to enhance the development of new cells. We remove the outermost layer(s) of the skin, which allows the chemical peel solution to penetrate, and stimulate new growth to improve your skin.

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Plush Studios & Medical Aesthetics Billings, MT has been using the Revita Pen Nano Needling for 6 Years and instill one of our most popular services. Nano Needling is a cosmetic treatment vs. a medical treatment such as Microneedling. Nano Needling is a pain-free method of stimulating the skin by infusing active ingredients into the upper layers of the epidermis. This is done using microscopic Nano Needling tips that are thinner than a human hair. This unique design enables a high degree of product absorption that stimulates collagen and elastin production.

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